About Us
The Sons of the American Legion
Newport Harbor Squadron 291
Finding Inspiration in Every Turn!
We are a team focused on and proud to be serving those who have served in our military. We conduct fundraising events throughout the year to raise funds for those veterans and their families who need assistance. A large portion of our funds goes towards the Child Welfare Foundation (CWF), helping children of our veterans and the Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation (CALVAR or VA&R), working together with our Service Officers and the programs which directly assist, outreach and support our veterans and their families with the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) claims and benefits, health care, memorial affairs and women veterans programs to ensure that they receive the highest quality of care from VA for their injuries and illnesses incurred from their military service.
Our Squadron is the largest in the U.S. with just over 1,800 members. If you are currently a member and haven’t renewed yet this year, also go to the “Join the Sons” link on the navigation bar, click on it, download the renewal application, fill it out and send it in. We are waiting to hear from you.

The Sons of The American Legion (SAL or Sons) was established in 1932 as a program of The American Legion. The SAL is made up of young boys and men of all ages whose fathers or grandfathers served in the United States military branches and qualifies for membership within The American Legion. If the qualifying member is alive, they must be an active member of the American Legion at Post 291. If they are not living, then the individual wishing to join must show proof of their qualifying Veteran's service via their DD Form 214 which establishes their service record and a copy of their death certificate.
Newport Harbor Post 291 consist of four entities, the Legionnaires, the Sons, the Auxiliary, and the Yacht Club and together we make up The Legion Family. The Legion Family as a whole places high value on preserving our American history, traditions and beliefs, thus demonstrating our patriotism in giving back by improving the quality of life for our country’s children, extending a helping hand and finances in caring for veterans and their families, and demonstrating by imparting the fundamentals of good citizenship within the community.
The Sons have always been an integral part of the Legionnaires and the rest of the Family. We participate financially and volunteer our time and service with the numerous Legion Family programs and fundraisers held throughout the year. Our combined Family at Newport Harbor Post 291 boasts a combined total membership of approximately 8,000, with the Sons membership of Squadron 291 is just over 1,800. The Sons typically contribute over $100,000.00 in the form of facility fees to the Post and additionally raise and give away over $120,000.00 annually to various veteran and children's charities. We seek out smaller charities that are doing good work, priding ourselves on being the big fish in a small pond.
Just as every Legion post decides the degree of its administration to the local community, state, and country, so every S.A.L. squadron is allowed the adaptability in arranging projects, programs, and fundraisers to meet their own particular needs and budgets. The Sons291 currently give back to our community with a free celebration of Flag Day, June 14, and a solemn ceremony and family day to remember those we lost on September 11 and in the conflicts thereafter.
There are numerous numbers of men who are members of The American Legion as Legionnaires and as Sons, honoring their fathers and/or grandfathers. Oftentimes they started off in their youth as a Son while their father was in the service, then as they became old enough to join the military, they continued as a Son and also joined as a Legionnaire. Those members are known as a Dual Member or a “Dually.”
The Sons of The American Legion is one of several patriotic associations that sponsors and supports the Citizens Flag Alliance, a coalition structured to secure the protection of our American flag through legislation and an amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The Sons volunteer time and finances to establish community awareness. They also communicate the importance of respect for the flag and encourage flag education programs in schools and other local organizations.



1st Vice Commander

2nd Vice Commander

3rd Vice Commander


Finance Officer


The Newport Harbor Squadron 291 Family

The American Legion consists of members who served in the Military during one or more of the U.S. conflicts or wars.
The focus on service and help to veterans, active service members, and communities, The American Legion nationally, currently has about 2.4 million members in 14,000 posts worldwide. The American Legion Newport Harbor Post 291 currently has approximately 3,500 Legion members.
The American Legion was chartered and incorporated by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic veterans organization devoted to mutual helpfulness. It is the nation’s largest wartime veterans service organization, committed to mentoring youth and sponsorship of wholesome programs in our communities, advocating patriotism and honor, promoting strong national security, and continued devotion to our fellow service members and veterans.
If you served in the military during wartime, consider joining the Legion, we would love to work with you and welcome you to the family – find out more information and see if you qualify. Visit their website: The American Legion Newport Harbor Post 291 and their Facebook Page .
The American Legion Auxiliary is the world’s largest women’s patriotic service organization and is part of our American Legion Family. Founded in 1919 and with nearly 1 million members worldwide, they volunteer tens of thousands of hours to community service and veterans and raise millions of dollars. We work side by side with the Auxiliary members of Newport Harbor Post 291. The American Legion Auxiliary supports The American Legion and honors the sacrifice of those who have served and are currently serving by enhancing the lives of our veterans, military members, and their families, both at home and abroad. It’s all For God and Country, they advocate for veterans, educate our citizens, mentor the youth, and promote patriotism, good citizenship, peace, and security.
If you are a mother, wife, daughter, sister, granddaughter, great-granddaughter, or grandmother of individuals who are either members of the American Legion or deceased veterans of individuals who would qualify then you can join. We would love to have you as part of our family – find out more information and see if you qualify. Visit their website: The American Legion Auxiliary Newport Harbor Unit 291 and Facebook Page.
Sons of the American Legion
Sons of the American Legion (S.A.L. or Sons) are just what the title indicates, males of all ages whose parents or grandparents served in the U.S. military and were eligible for American Legion membership. We are considered one of the three components that comprise the Legion Family, with the other two including the Legionnaires and the Auxiliary. We are approximately 1,500 strong here locally at Newport Harbor Squadron 291. The Sons are divided into detachments at the state level and squadrons at the local level and are contingent upon its parent post’s charter; ours being under The American Legion Newport Harbor Post 291’s charter. The Sons are divided into detachments at the state level and squadrons at the local level and are contingent upon its parent post’s charter; ours being under The American Legion Newport Harbor Post 291’s charter.
We conduct various fundraisers and special events raising money for several military children charities and veteran-based charities we support. We would love to have you join our family by accessing our membership form, filling it out, signing it, mailing it in with proof of your parents’ or grandparents’ service and their qualifications, and including a check for membership dues.
Visit our Facebook Page.
American Legion Yacht Club
The One and Only American Legion Post with a Yacht Club. New members and visitors are often intrigued by the combination of a yacht club with Post 291. The interesting history of this association dates back to the late ’60s before any of us were members. The leadership at that time thought it a good idea to form a Yacht Club at the Post in order to offer members an affordable way to get involved in boating and sailing. The club steadily grew over the years and became widely known as not only one of the most active yacht clubs in Southern California but also one of the most involved with civic events and veteran causes. The ALYC membership mirrors that of the Post, with active members from the Legion, Auxiliary, and SALs.
The proud heritage of ALYC and Post 291 is connected over the last 54 years and is part of the fabric of Newport Beach. There’s always more to tell with this colorful history, so next time you’re at the Post, look for a member with an ALYC logo and ask to hear a favorite memory. Even better, join ALYC and begin making your own memories with your friends of the sea. Contact us at Here.
American Legion Riders
American Legion Riders chapters are well known for their charitable work, which has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for local children’s hospitals, schools, veterans' homes, severely wounded service members, and scholarships. Since 2006, Riders nationwide have participated in the Legion Legacy Run, to annually raise money for the Legacy Scholarship Fund, established to provide scholarships to children of U.S. military personnel killed since Sept. 11, 2001. There are well over 100,000 American Legion Riders in over a thousand chapters worldwide. We don’t have an American Legion Riders’ Chapter at Newport Harbor Post 291, but if you have a bike and want to join, there are currently four chapters in Orange County.